her Story

These unique smart watch band charms* are designed and made in Los Angeles by an attorney mama who loves dainty jewelry and her smart watch to keep her on track.  A mother of three furry creatures, one mischievous baby and one highly imaginative tween keeps her busy. Her love of dainty jewelry did not mix well with a toddler who grabs onto necklaces and earrings, so she had to get creative! Luckily her smart watch can handle the rough and tumble, but it needed a little something more... enter watch band charms! We love the endless possibilities of making your smartwatch jewelry unique to you. Choose charms to remind you of your BFF, partner in crime, little ones, furry friends, your daily mantra, your favorite place on earth... whatever it is that keeps you living life beautifully! And, what better place for your charm than your smart watch band where you can see it every day? Life can get too busy to put jewelry on in the morning, but one thing we never forget is our watch. Bands are available in sterling silver, gold and rose gold-- choose a fun combination to suit your mood! *US PATENT PENDING

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